You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool you guys! Yup, it's true, we're heading up to Boston this week. It will be fun-fillled for sure. This will be NittanyBri's first time in Bean Town, it has been years for me so I am looking forward to being there again. We also get to meet, live and in person, one of my long time blogger buddies
Mr. Smoke & Mirrors!!! Lastly, after we spend a few days in Boston whooping it up with M, we'll be finishing up our trip in Vermont to visit with my nephew who is currently attending Norwich Univ.
Neither I nor Bri has been to Vermont before. We'll be about an hour away from Ben & Jerry's, YUM! Also, Friday is my nephew's birthday. His 21st birthday. You see where I'm going with this? I may need to pack extra Advil for the morning after.