Sunday, December 26, 2010


At this time last year, I was basking in the warm sun and sand of Grand Cayman Island.  Sigh.  Right now this area is expecting snow, it's freezing and I can hear the wind howling outside. 

Last year at this time, my nephew hadn't graduated from college yet.  Now, he's been commissioned as an officer in the Navy and is living on his own in San Diego for the last six months.  

Before I go and get all weepy, the bright side is that I have off tomorrow, as I'm not ready to get back into the 9-5 grind again.

I thought too, I'd take advantage of the new layouts on here and catch up with my usual blogger buddies since I've been kind of lazy about this lately. 

1 comment:

Bone said...

I think the only time I'm not nostalgic for the beach is when I'm at the beach. And even then...

Happy New Year! I like the new look!