I would like to summarize for you now, (a la Mary Catherine Gallagher) the entire weekend by using the most common phrases and words...well, at least the ones I can remember.
OK so I'll bring it up since we're all avoiding the subject...
I like your hair. And I like your boobs.
What's it going to take to get you in that chair?
Oh hey, there's our IT guy! (P.S. who by the way was arrested this weekend!)
Only fags and queers work there.
If you guys are really us, what number are we thinking of?
Let's go sky diving or base jumping just to mix it up.
Which would you rather do, sky diving or get in "the chair?"
"The worst story ever told."
Can you tell us how to get to Fantasyland?
What kind of animal does Pastrami come from?
I'll have a Happy Ending.
Camp Tramps/War Whores
I understand the 69 and the 88 but what's the 63?
Should I get dressed? I forgot my pants
Period clothing
Period underwear
Hey, here's a stump, why don't you take a picture of that?
Look, honeysuckles.
You know you can eat them.

Our Sunday took us back in time to the Civil War on our trip to Gettysburg. We had a most excellent tour guy...thanks again dude.
This is a picture of the typical fencing you'll find around the battlefield.
This is an area known as Devil's Den. Very cool rock formations, fun to climb on. Brian overheard a kid who was walking through this opening say to his mom "I bet no one's ever walked here before." The same thing all other kids think when climbing around the rocks.
how do you remember all those quotes?
I (boobs) have a (boobs) mind like (boobs) a steel trap.(boobs)
Wait... Where are the boobs?
what's 'period underwear'??????
is there 'semicolon underwear'???
Mike, the boobs were on the girls from Saturday night or so they tell me. I wasn't looking.
Jim, HA! Period underwear can actually have two meanings. It can mean the specific underwear women wear when they have their period. And yes, we do that (like you wanted to know.) OR it could mean the underwear that one wears when dressing in period clothing (for example Civil War era, Revolutionary War era, etc.)
Boobs boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs and more boobs!
I sense a pattern in this post as well as its comments. I am struggling NOT to type the word "boobs". Oh, damnit, I just did.
Looks like a good time!
Barry, I know, it's hard to control oneself with boobs isn't it??
Lass, it's the chair at the Hardware Bar. The one where that you sit in, the male bartender straddles you, pours liquor down your throat and then grinds your face in his crotch. Oh and then, you get ice poured down your pants and a nice spanking. THAT's the chair!
Looks like you guys had a good time, sorry I missed it!
Love the quotes. I also wondered how you can remember all that. The only thing I could probably remember was... well...
(o) (o)
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