Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Man from Down Under

My first day of classes went well. My 8:00 a.m. class is Asian art and the professor is from Australia. I've never had him for classes before so I had no idea what I was in store for. He attended my African Art presentation from last semester but apparently he was holding back that night. He's completely insane. In a good way that is. He went home for the holidays so we got to take a look at his "Happy Snaps" from his trip home. Nothing like seeing a bunch of Aussies in the pool, cocktails in hand in 90 degree weather on Christmas Day. He had pics of himself sharing a beer with a lizard. He says the lizards like cheese and they feed them that to go with the beer apparently.

He has also informed us that from the first day on we are to refer to him as "Tripitaka." Which is a character from one of his childhood television programs from Japan. According to the syllabus we will be having a Chinese tea ceremony, seeing Japanese as well as Korean films and with the upcoming trip to New York City in the Spring, we will be going to Chinatown and eating till we puke. At least that's what he said. Last semester when the class went to New York, they made t-shirts. The t-shirt logo was developed by the class and the back read "Your shoes are ugly and prenatal." I'm not sure what that means, but it's hilarious!

Anyway, it sounds like it is going to be a very entertaining class. And who doesn't want to sit for hours and listen to an Aussie speak?!?


Anonymous said...

Too right love! Their accent is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm VERY jealous. I have School/Community Relations and Analysis and Application of Educational Research. *sigh* I can guarantee there will be no cool accents, foreign films or fun trips...but, on the bright side, Chinese food is definitely a possibility. :-D

NittanyBri said...

Ugly, prenatal shoes sounds like something right out of Monty Python.