I think I can almost understand the pain. You see, I've redefined the term "falling down drunk" by stumbling off a deck onto the ground and spraining both of my ankles on Saturday night. Thanks however go out to MattandRiver and Dorman for being on the search and recovery team by getting me on my feet and back inside again. It is amazing what a good surge of adrenaline will do for a really drunken state. I think I sobered up pretty quick after the fall. Because I do distinctly remember a certain someone saying they were going to take advantage of me in my drunken state. Tease!
Thanks again to MattandRiver and wife for allowing me to crash on their couch! River and I, yea, were dating. He loves me!! Snot, it was great to meet you! I don't think Sunbury can take much more of us.
I feel so bad, and so does River. After all, he dug the hole you stepped into going off the deck. So we can say for sure that the first fall was mostly due to the hole just off the corner of the deck, but falling again flat on your back just outside the back door was all beer!!!!! All is good though and we had a great time. I hope your ankles feel better soon.
You are welcome to the couch at any time. After all the hospitality you showed us last weekend, it’s the least I can extend to you.
You missed a good hockey game tonight.
Hobbled!! hahaha!!
now if I can get you to have seisures ;)
Ah yes, the I can't stand one more second and must lay on the deck routine. Didn't I say I wasn't going to embarrass myself this weekend? Well, there's always next weekend I guess.
Seisures??? I can fake one for ya, I don't want to miss any of that!!
dorman---you better take advantage of carney quick, you won't be here too much longer...and it seems as though she is willing...
Hey Carn!
You want to borrow my knee pads the next time you drink?? LOL
you people are one bunch of wild animals. wish i had the liver for it.
Carney, I'd be afraid to drink with you, because I think you would take advantage of me. On the other hand, that does kind of sound like fun ;)
Hope you're walking better, or have four strong guys in loincloths to carry your sedan-chair around the office.
Hey Rev., we always can use a designated driver with a bit of personality....
I second that.....
I'm sure I would have made an ass out of myself as well. ;)
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