The scary part was after he passed his driving test and he drove to his high school for the remainder of band camp. There were a few near misses! I was thinking maybe the department of transportation wanted to reconsider giving this child a license. I'm sure the weather had much to do with it. Doesn't it always seem people are more stupid when the roads are wet?
Yeah Patrick! oh no for the rest of us. as for your comment on "more stupid when the roads are wet", well....(oh god, cj comment)you are probably right. miss you today!
and how is cj today?
The child has been set loose upon the roads of the country, be afraid, be very afraid...one good thing though....perfect designated driver for us!
Like your new photo, very VOGUE!
cj...just lovely. we all had chinese today, poop central now, between me and t. do like the new pic!
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